Iron Horse

Come along way has this brand of poppers been on the block since the 70’s. Great formulae developed and super powerful punching high. Back to former times when this brand was up there with the best sellers not having so much competition but a great legacy to see iron horse still hitting the high notes. Squared off browner bottle containing some dick hardening agents!

The super kick got from horses is probably where it gets its name or from the power ratings of vehicle engines, no matter its a great brand name and going to be on shelf for decades to come , we predict this. Getting among the top runners like rush and for sale of course at an unbeatable price! Hard not to see why you would wanting one in your Xmas Stocking or any gift personal present to yourself aiming to please partners and more sharing the essence of this most distinguishable scent.

Never Fake It!

For courses , an afterthought, no a grand larger than life old world dominant power punchy knock. Gained only from acquiring a big intake of breath / allowing room after opening to develop.

Get with it! Enjoy Life.

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Brand Name
Iron Horse
Product Name
Iron Horse Poppers